Monday, March 22, 2010

Two babies and a nasty saleswoman!

My day in a nutshell.....

I got called to CH's birth shortly after midnight; this was a fast birth of a baby girl born at 1:45 am, weighing 8 lbs., 11 oz.  The whole thing would've been great if it hadn't been for normal hospital stupid policies......

While in postpartum with her, my cell phone went off again. This time, it was ES in labor. She was absolutely WAILING in the background. Said goodbye to C, turned on the GPS and headed over to the birth center. Arrived around 5 AM (???), baby girl born at 8:31 AM, 7 lbs., 11 oz.

E left the center at 11:40, we finished cleaning by 12:30!!! We were MOVING!!!

I got home around 1:15, picked up Mackenzie and headed to Columbia to go to a bridal shop. Morgan was SUPPOSED to call and make arrangements for us to go; unfortunately, she didn't do it. So I showed up there and was met by a VERY snooty, nasty saleswoman who wanted absolutely nothing to do with us because we didn't have an appointment. Now keep in mind this store has only been open three weeks and there was NOBODY in the store..... This gal couldn't be bothered at all to help us. In fact, she kept giving us the evil eye, as if we were there to steal all her dresses. Right -- like who can march out of a store with a bridal gown or bridesmaid dress hidden under their clothes????

Finally we left there and went to Morgan's friend's house to use the computer and see if there was another bridal store in the area we could check out.  Unfortunately, almost everything was closed on a Monday..... sigh again.....

I finally gave up, bought food at Boston Market, came home and ate dinner, and have done almost nothing since then. I'm basically killing time until it's late enough to go to bed.

Finishing up some paperwork and then time for some zzzzzzzzz's........ G'nite everyone!

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